Tracking User Sessions Across Domains

Cross Domain Tracking for Angler Predictive CAPI

When a user lands on a page, such as a landing page, and is subsequently redirected to another page on a different domain, the marketing identifiers stored as cookies may differ. This discrepancy makes it challenging to track user sessions consistently across domains and hinders accurate conversion tracking. To address this issue, we can enhance user identification by sending key identifiers as query parameters during redirects between different domains.

For example, if the the user lands on this page from an ad:

and is redirected to

we can append the identifiers in the query string like this:

The values (url encoded if needed) we would need to add (if available) are:

utm_sourceutm_source from query if present.
utm_mediumutm_medium from query if present.
utm_campaignutm_campaign from query if present.
utm_termutm_term from query if present.
utm_contentutm_content from query if present.
fbclidfbclid from query query if present. It may also be present in the cookie named aa_fbclid
fbpThe value from cookie named _fbp if present.
fbcThe value from cookie named _fbc if present.
gaThe value from cookie named _ga if present.
gclidgclid from query query if present. It may also be present in the cookie named aa_gclid
aidThe value from cookie named _aid if present.
