Salesforce Commerce Cloud Setup
Follow this guide to send orders and related data to Angler AI
1. Create an API client
Follow the instructions here to create an API client within the Account Manager. Make sure to select the relevant organizations and instances.
In the OpenID Connect section, enter the following scopes in Allowed Scopes:
Scopes |
sfcc.orders |
sfcc.customerlists |
sfcc.catalogs |
sfcc.products |
sfcc.shopper-categories |
Make a secure note of the password you enter as well as the new API Client ID.
2. Share API client & business details with your Angler contact
Share the following details with your Angler contact:
API client details:
- Client ID
- Password (a.k.a. client secret)
- Organization ID (see Administration > Site Development > Salesforce Commerce API Settings)
- Short Code (see Administration > Site Development > Salesforce Commerce API Settings)
- Site ID (see Administration > Sites > Manage Sites)
Updated about 1 month ago